Ames Housing Dataset VisualizationΒΆ

  • Target distribution
  • Continuous Feature vs Target, F=8.08E-01, F=7.23E-01, F=7.01E-01, F=6.81E-01, F=6.60E-01, F=6.38E-01, F=6.05E-01, F=6.02E-01, F=5.81E-01, F=4.98E-01
  • Categorical Feature vs Target, F=5.71E-01, F=3.64E-01, F=3.26E-01, F=3.25E-01, F=2.93E-01, F=2.77E-01, F=2.53E-01, F=2.37E-01, F=2.36E-01, F=2.25E-01
Target looks like regression
/home/circleci/project/dabl/plot/ UserWarning: Dropped 2 outliers in column SalePrice.
  warn("Dropped {} outliers in column {}.".format(
/home/circleci/project/dabl/plot/ UserWarning: Discarding 2 outliers in target column.
  warn(f"Discarding {n_outliers} outliers in target column.",
/home/circleci/project/dabl/plot/ UserWarning: Showing only top 10 continuous features.
  warn("Showing only top 10 continuous features.")
Showing only top 10 of 41 categorical features

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 3
from dabl import plot
from dabl.datasets import load_ames
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# load the ames housing dataset
# returns a plain dataframe
data = load_ames()

plot(data, target_col='SalePrice')

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 20.215 seconds)

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